Day 322: Spend time with friends for a pick me up

There are going to be days when you’re feeling down and out, and nothing will seem like it can give you the pick me up you need to feel better.

Yeah, there are plenty of bad vices out there that can help, temporarily. However, is that really a good idea? Do you really want to feel the repercussions for your actions? Is it really worth it in the long run?

A better way to make yourself feel better and get a good pick me up is to spend time with friends.

You don’t even have to spend any money! You could watch a game on T.V. or a movie, make dinner at home and just sit back and talk, go shopping, and the list goes on and on.

I took my own advice and spent time with some friends tonight, and I feel so much better. Just being our good company lifted my spirits and helped me see things from a new perspective.

Now, onto the card!

I decided that I wasn’t in the mood to venture out in another chalk board design today. So instead, I was inspired by a can of Aqua Net Hairspray.

As I was trolling Pinterest tonight, I noticed that a lot of the pictures on my feed that had to do with either food or the 80s. I felt so fat and hungry looking at the food pictures, and old when I saw items from the 80s that I used to own and wear! Boy…now I’m just showing my age.

Okay, let’s just move on and skip to today’s Thank You card.

Graphic Designer & Production Artist "From idea to page – flawless digital/print design & production."

Graphic Designer & Production Artist
“From idea to page – flawless digital/print design & production.”

11.21.14 Inspired by Aqua Net Hairspray © 2014 Stacy Schilling

11.21.14 Inspired by Aqua Net Hairspray
© 2014 Stacy Schilling

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