Day 204: Use the weekend to relax

For most people, the work week begins on Monday and ends Friday. However, for everyone else and myself, there is no beginning or end to the work week.

Since I work at least five days a week, and half those days are on the weekend, I don’t have a regular weekend.

And that’s okay.

It’s always beneficial for your health, sanity and family to use part of your weekend for something relaxing to rebalance your life. It could be anything that you personal enjoy and makes you happy. For me, sitting in front of the T.V. for 15 minutes is relaxing. I also used part of my weekend to get some errands done.

Anyhow, I’m getting off the subject.

So, let’s talk about today’s card which is inspired by a living room and furniture. The living room was done in shades of warm gray and had this cool retro vibe. I decided to use the color palate and the idea of mixing several patterns into one design.

Here it is!

Graphic Designer & Production Artist "From idea to page – flawless digital/print design & production."

Graphic Designer & Production Artist
“From idea to page – flawless digital/print design & production.”

07.26.14 Inspired by a living room and furniture

07.26.14 Inspired by a living room and furniture


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